Hi. Thank you for taking this self-evaluation for your hormone health.

This is a self-evaluation to better understand your own hormonal balance, possible deficiencies, and how to maintain your hormone health. If you are not too sure if you have hormonal imbalance, you may take this self-evaluation, or you can consult our hormone consultant.
This evaluation consists of 30 questions on specific symptoms that you might be experiencing. It could be symptoms that have been around for sometime, or it could be recent symptoms. It will take about 5 minutes to complete this self-evaluation. After completing the evaluation, your result will be sent to your email. Don't forget to check your inbox as well as junkmail for the result.
Please take note that, this is a screening for potential hormonal imbalance, which gives you an idea about your hormone health. If you have doubt about the result, please consult your doctor or our consultant.
Wish you good health!
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